Canteen can help you support your patients or students by providing additional, specialist support. Find out more about our free services, order resources, training resources or refer someone. Read our Guide to Canteen to find out more about Canteen's psychosocial model and our evidence-based approach.

On-Demand Training
Canteen provides training for health professionals to ensure young people receive the right type of support through their treatment.

School support
Find out more about the additional ways Canteen can help school communities support students impacted by cancer and their friends.

Expanded counselling
We can now also provide bulk-billed psychological care under Mental Health Treatment Plans (MHTP) as part of the Canteen Clinic.
Impact of cancer
Every year, another 23,000 young people have their world turned upside down by cancer, whether it’s a close family member’s diagnosis or their own. These young people are up to six times more likely to face mental health issues like depression and anxiety than their peers. Watch Canteen’s National Community Educator, Shae Chester, discuss the impact of cancer on families and what health professionals can do to help.
Canteen research
Canteen conducts internationally recognised research into the emotional and social impacts of cancer to ensure we truly understand how cancer is different in a young person’s world.