Young People Stories

Young people are at the heart of the work Canteen does in providing cancer support services for 12-25 year olds, whether that be people who have been impacted by their own diagnosis, or someone close to them. These people have turned to Canteen to find the help they needed. Below are stories from some incredible Canteen young people.
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Chloe was 13 when her dad was diagnosed with Richter's Transformation. From that point on, Chloe spent much of her time going to appointments, visiting her dad in hospital, and looking after him. This took its toll on Chloe, who felt sad and lonely. Luckily, Canteen was there to connect Chloe with people who were going through a similar experience.

Learn more about Chloe's story




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image of canteen young person chloe




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daniel hiking outdoors




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When Daniel was 11, his mother was diagnosed with cancer, and he was 16 when she passed away. With Canteen in his corner, Daniel was able to find the support he needed. Now, Daniel is giving back to the community which helped him during the most difficult time in his life.

Learn more about Daniel's story




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Elliott was 18 and about to step into the next chapter of his life when he was struck by cancer. Thankfully, Elliott was able to find Canteen and connected with other people who were on a similar journey to his own.

Learn more about Elliott's story




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elliot canteen young person




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nate, a canteen young person, who is smiling and doing some painting




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Nate was 10 when he was diagnosed with a brain tumour. Enduring this from such a young age was extremely difficult, and he found it hard to find people who knew what he was going through. This is where Canteen was able to offer Nate the support he needed.

Learn more about Nate's story




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Georgia was just 5 years old when she was diagnosed with cancer. As she entered early adulthood, she found it difficult to connect with like minded people. Attending a Canteen program became the turning point for Georgia, as she met people who knew exactly what she was going through. This helped bridge a gap in Georgia's life and she has since gone on to achieve her goals and dreams.

Learn more about Georgia's story




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image of georgia standing near the beach




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josh a young person who is involved with canteen




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Josh was diagnosed with, and survived, liver cancer as a toddler. As a result, he missed out on a lot of opportunities from a young age. However, since then, Canteen has helped Josh to pursue his passion for creativity. He has gone onto become a youth ambassador, and his incredible creative talent has led him to become part of a number of projects, including creating his own bandanna designs!

Learn more about Josh's story




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Jacob was 13 when he sadly lost his mum to cancer. This became an incredibly difficult period for the family, and Jacob was bullied at school. Jacob became involved in Canteen programs and from here he met new people and found ways to cherish the memories of his mum. 

Learn more about Jacob's story

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image of Jacob a young person involved with canteen