Evaluating Places You’ll Go, Canteen’s program that connects and supports young people finding their way after cancer.
The impact of cancer doesn’t end when treatment does. Canteen has created a specially-tailored program for adolescents (12-17 years) who have been diagnosed with cancer and finished active treatment.
The program brings young people together to share their stories and learn new tools and strategies to cope with the excitement and challenges of life after cancer. The program provides an opportunity to talk about things like setting goals, identity, and coping with fears and worries after cancer. Young people participate in a series of support sessions that utilise the evidence-based approach of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Sessions are offered as part of an overnight camp or a weekly online group.
Canteen asks for feedback on the program so we can understand if it meets young people’s needs and helps young people to live a meaningful life. 28 young people gave feedback on the first version of the Places You’ll Go program delivered in 2017, with all reporting feeling satisfied with the program and that they’d recommend it to another young person living beyond cancer. Participants told us they enjoyed opportunities to connect with other young people and to learn new skills for coping with life after cancer.
We’re continuing to get feedback on the Places You’ll Go program through our evaluation study.

Journal article
The Development and Process Evaluation of a 3-Day Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Group Program for Adolescent Cancer Survivors
Clarke, K., Patterson, P., McDonald, F., Wakefield, C., Sansom-Daly, U., & Zebrack, B. (2020). The Development and Process Evaluation of a 3-Day Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Group Program for Adolescent Cancer Survivors. Child Youth Care Forum, 50(2), 229-246. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10566-020-09571-4