Find the latest news from Canteen featuring stories from the young people and families we support as well as updates on our research and services.

There were many great presentations across the Congress. Here are a few take home messages which I found of interest...

Canteen were proud to be part of the recent Tour de Cure Snow Ball.

Youth Leadership is a big part of what we do at Canteen, and can have a long-lasting impact on people.

Canteen is thrilled to appoint Pillow Talk as their 2023 Principal Bandanna Day Partner to help provide comfort to young people impacted by cancer and their families.

Canteen offers support and education so that ultimately no one has to go through a cancer experience alone.

At Canteen, we have recently launched our inaugural Diversity and Inclusion Framework including our action plan for 2023-2026.

Since the 1980s, the overall survival rate for 15-24 year-olds diagnosed with cancer has gradually increased from 79% to 90%.
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You can help young people overcome the immense challenges of cancer in so many different ways from making a donation to donating your time.