Made for young people aged 12-25, this videos series from Canteen provides you with practical tips and advice to help you find ways to give the support they need.

A place where young people talk all things cancer. The good, the bad, the unknown. Nothing scripted. Just the young people and their own stories.

It's not always easy to be the friend of someone who is grieving - you might feel confused and helpless. This book is here to help you understand that a friend who is grieving is still your friend – and that they will find it helpful to have you there through the ups and downs.

Hearing the news that your parent might have a limited time to live is going to be very hard for you. That's the understatement of the year.

Canteen understands that when cancer crashes into a family’s world, it can turn everything upside down.

Being the partner of someone who has cancer isn't easy - it can be scary and confusing.

Finding out your friend has cancer can be scary and your friend might need you now more than ever.
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